• Brought to you by Etrulia Troy Lee


Below you will find a series of commonly asked questions about Xooma WorldWide. Simply click on the name of the category you wish to view, once the category has expanded to display the questions, simply click on the question itself to view the answer. Clicking once more on either the category or question name will collapse the category or question.

Xooma Worldwide issues team commission checks weekly under the Dual Team Prosperity Plan. Weekly pay cycles include sales volumes from 12:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Sales volume is then calculated and commission checks are posted 12 days following the end of the pay cycle.

Members outside of the U.S. and Canada are paid on the same schedule but checks earned are deposited to a Xooma Worldwide Prepaid Debit MasterCard. The application link for this card is located in the Member's Portal (back office).

As long as you remain active with an order of at least 25 QV per month, the sales volume in your organization will continue to accumulate indefinitely until you are eligible for a pay cycle. Active Members with less than 100QV in monthly volume can carry over 6 rolling months of accumulated volume.

If you have 60 days of inactivity (no orders placed / no personal volume), then your position in the Xooma Worldwide may be forfeited and/or become inactive.

If you have 120 days of inactivity (no orders placed / no personal volume), then your position in the Xooma Worldwide may be forfeited and/or become inactive.